Virtual Campus Blog

Invitation to the “Un-lecture Series”
February 12, 2009, 2:08 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

From our friends at Designing Digitally, Inc.:

I wanted to invite you to the 2009 Thinkbalm Un-Lecture at our island on Feb. 27th 2009 within Second Life. This will be held at our Designing Digitally Inc. island. If you click on this link you can register and will automatically land on our island. Please pass this along to any and all that would be interested in attending. Of course it is free, and you will have the ability to network and to listen to some very interesting topics around educational learning in virtual spaces. Please see the details below. I hope to see you all there!!!!

We’ve added another speaker to the agenda for the third installation of the ThinkBalm Innovation Community’s “un-lecture” event series. This series is designed for members to share things they are working on, learn about exciting projects others are up to, and build valuable connections. All presentations, demos, and tours are on topics related to using the Immersive Internet at work. Each presentation is 10 minutes long or shorter.

The Details

What: Un-Lecture #3

When: Friday, Feb. 27th from 11AM-noon EST

Where and how: Designing Digitally island in Second Life (SLURL here) — thanks to Andrew Hughes of Designing Digally for hosting. We will use Second Life voice.

RSVP: By replying to this email. Please include your Second Life avatar name if we don’t already have it.


Act I

Location: Designing Digitally island in Second Life

  1. Sam Driver: Welcome and introductions all around
  2. Henrik Bennetsen: The Sirikata open source platform for games and virtual worlds in development at Stanford
  3. Koreen Olbrish: Immersive technology evaluation for learning initiatives
  4. Robin Gomboy: Building culture in virtual world communities

Act II

Andrew Hughes will give each attendee a landmark so we can teleport to an interactive science lab built by Sycamore High School (Cincinnati) seniors.

  1. Andrew Hughes and kids from Sycamore High School in Cincinnati: how they built their own interactive science lab
  2. Erica Driver: wrap-up and commentary on today’s session

We hope to see you there.


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