
Ha and doctoral student Ling Fang’s article on displacement of traditional news media by Internet to be published in Telematics and Informatics

TCOM Professor and Chair Louisa Ha and doctoral student Ling Fang’s article  will be published in Telematics and Informatics, a refereed scholarly journal on new media technology and theory. This is the first journal publication out of the Blade research project in addition to five other refereed conference papers based on the Blade project accepted by AEJMC Annual Convention in the past year and this year .

Ha, L. & Fang, L. (in press) Explaining Time Displacement of Traditional News Media Use by the Internet: Niche Breadth, Overlap, Competitive Superiority and Internet Experience, Telematics and Informatics.

Dr. Oliver Boyd-Barrett, Sao Paulo and Recife in Brazil. The presentations were supported by the US Consulate.

Oliver Boyd-Barrett:   invite or guest presentations over the past few days to four universities in Sao Paulo and Recife in Brazil. The presentations were supported by the US Consulate.

(2011) Invited speaker and panelist at a seminar on International News coverage and its New Challenges (A cobertura internacional e seus novos desafios), with the additional participation of Alberto Gaspar (TV Globo), Maria Cleidejane Esperidião (UMESP) and Pedro Aguiar (Pesquisador do Grupo de Pesquisa em Políticas e Economia Política da Informação e da Comunicação da UFRJ) at the Auditório do Edifício Capa, Campus Rudge Ramos, da UMESP em São Bernardo do Campo (São Paulo) (Universidade Metodist), Brazil. May 10th.

(2011) Invited guest speaker to the Catholic University, Recife, on Cenários e tendências contemporâneas de fluxos de notícias: múltiplos agentes, novas audiências (Contemporary Trends in News Flow: Multiple Agents, New Audiences), with the participation of the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (PPGCom-UFPE), em parceria com a Universidade Católica de Pernambuco e o consulado dos Estados Unidos no Recife. May 5th.

(2011) Invited guest speaker to Fundação Cásper Líbero, São Paulo, Brazil, on Agências de notícias e a Internet (News agencies and the Internet), to an audience that included Faculdade de Comunicação e é uma ação conjunta do Comtec (UMESP) e do Grupo de Pesquisa Tecnologia, Comunicação e Cultura de Rede (Teccred) do Programa de Pós-Graduação da Cásper Libero. May 3rd.

(2011) Invited guest speaker to Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da UMESP, in São Paulo, Brazil, on Hegemony and Counter-Hegemony in 24/7 Satellite Television News, May 2nd.

Congratulations to our Colleague Radhika

Rohit Chopra and Radhika Gajjala, Global Media, Culture, and Identity:

Theory, Cases, and Approaches (New York: Routledge, 2011).


This edited volume examines the ways that global media shapes relations between place, culture, and identity. Through the included essays, Chopra and Gajjala offer a mix of theoretical reflections and empirical case studies that will help readers understand how the media can shape cultural identities and, conversely, how cultural formations can influence the political economy of global media. The interdisciplinary, international scholars gathered here push the discussion of what it means to do global media studies beyond uncritical celebrations of global media technologies (or

globalization) as well as beyond perspectives that are a priori dismissive of the possibilities of global media.

Some of the key questions and themes that the international contributors explore within the text include: Is the global audience of global television the same as the global audience of the internet?

Can we conceptualize the global culture-media-identity dynamic beyond the discourse of postcolonialism? How does the globalization of media affect feelings of nationalism? How is the growth of a consumer “global middle class” spread, and resisted, through media? Global Media, Identity, and Culture takes a comparative media approach to addressing these, and other, issues across media forms including print, television, film, and new media.

Shared Governance, Graduate Program Quality, and Diversity at BGSU: A Public Forum

May 3rd, 10:00 A.M. BTSU theatre

Click this link for the video: https://dvss.bgsu.edu/public/publicPlayer.php?movie_id=6871ad64a75d07e48c7907fecf6fbc32

10:00 – Dr. Michael Butterworth, Assistant Professor, Dept. of
” Process, Timeline, and Shared Governance”

10:10 – Dr. Alberto Gonzalez, Professor, Dept. of Communication
“Diversity Issues at BGSU”

10:20 – Dr. Sung-Yeon Park, Assistant Professor, Dept. of
“How Not to Lie with the NRC Ranking Data”

10:40 — Mr. Anthony Frampton, School of Media and Communication Ph.D.
“Representing SMC Graduate Students”

10:45 – Dr. David Jackson, Associate Professor, Dept. of Political
Science and BGSU-FA President
“BGSU-FA’s Position and Collective Bargaining Issues”

10:55 — Mr. Michael Hale, American Culture Studies Ph.D. Student
“BGSU Graduate Student Issues”

11:00 – Dr. Michael Butterworth, Assistant Professor, Dept. of
” Closing Statements”

11:05 — Q&A

SMC colloquium and news coverage

SMC colloquium, April 28th.

Click here to see SMC Colloquium , April 28th

News coverage of SMC

Recent SMC doctoral program closure recommendation by the administrators draw some attention from media. Here is a list of media coverage on this issue.







Instructor, Broadcast News Operations

Job Description

Instructor, Broadcast News Operations, in the School of Media and Communication, Bowling Green State University (BGSU). Applicants for this position at the level of Instructor must hold a master’s degree in Broadcast Journalism, Telecommunications, or a cognate discipline. The candidate must have relevant professional experience, including a substantial period in broadcast journalism and, preferably, experience in newsroom management and digital media. University teaching experience preferred.  This position is a one year renewable appointment.

The position is a joint appointment in the Departments of Journalism and Public Relations and Telecommunications. The candidate will be expected to teach in both departments. As far as possible, classes will be selected that allow appropriate opportunities for students to participate in activities and projects related to media organizations. The remaining student contact hours will be spent supervising BG-24 News, the nightly student television newscast, radio stations WFAL and WBGU-FM, the Bowling Green Radio News Organization (BGRNO), and the Bowling Green Radio Sports Organization (BGRSO). The Department Chairs, in consultation with the Director of the School of Media and Communication, will establish an advisory committee whose purpose will be to provide advice and support to the Instructor, Broadcast News Operations.

The instructor will be encouraged to explore possibilities of greater collaboration between the School of Media and Communication, the broadcast student media and WBGU-TV27, the university’s public television station.

An important component of the job is to effectively motivate as well as educate and train student volunteers. The instructor will supervise broadcast news content for BG-24 News and radio station programming. In addition, the instructor will be expected to actively participate in policy making and discussions at Departmental and/or School levels as these affect broadcast news operations.

The instructor will consult daily with the volunteer students who work for the broadcast media organizations with a view to ensuring the achievement of professional quality programming. The instructor should also work to ensure that students are provided the opportunity to acquire industry-level skills and standards of excellence.

The ACEJMC-accredited Department of Journalism and Public Relations has approximately 300 majors who currently have a choice among concentrations in print journalism, broadcast journalism, and public relations. The Department of Telecommunications has approximately 200 majors.

The School of Media and Communication comprises the departments of Journalism and Public Relations, Communication and Telecommunications, with approximately 1,000 majors. Together the School faculty supports masters and doctoral programs with 80 graduate students who choose between emphases in media studies or communication and culture.

Bowling Green State University is located in Northwest Ohio approximately 20 miles south of Toledo and the Michigan border. BGSU is just two hours from Cleveland and Columbus and one hour from Detroit by car. 841 full-time professors teach 20,000 students. The university is strongly committed to teaching excellence, which extends to multiple sources of support for pedagogical growth, including optional faculty learning communities and extensive opportunities for training in use of technology in teaching. The library is a participant in OhioLINK, the Ohio Library and Information Network, a consortium of Ohio’s college and university libraries and the State Library of Ohio, which provides access to 40 million library items and more than 100 electronic databases.

A completed application must include a cover letter, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and a current CV, and at least three current and original signed letters of recommendation (neither e-mail nor faxed letters are accepted). The application cover letter must be postmarked by May 16, 2011.  Finalists must provide transcript evidence of highest degree. Applications should be addressed to: Dr. Terry L. Rentner, director, School of Media and Communication, 302 West Hall, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0233. Inquiries can be made via telephone at 419-372-2077 or via e-mail at trentne@bgsu.edu.

BGSU is an equal opportunity employer/educator. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.

Tcom Award Ceremony & TCOMSA Production Contest, April 22nd, 2:30 – 5:00

Tcom will have two events on April 22nd from 2:30 to 5:00 (West Hall 121). Please join the events and celebrate another successful semester. There will be some food and entertainment.


* 2:30 – 3:00 Reception & Social (light snacks and beverages provided)

* 3:00 – 4:00 TCOM Student Association Production Contest

* 4:00 – 5:00 Tcom Award Ceremony

The Department of Journalism and Public Relations Hosting Two Lectures on March 17

The Department of Journalism and Public Relations and the Peace and Conflict Studies Program are excited to announce to important lectures on March 17.

In the afternoon Dr. Charles Kimball, director of Religious Studies at the University of Oklahoma, will present the second annual Hiroko Nakamoto Peace Lecture: “ Turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa: Things that Make for Peace-Building”  — the lecture will take place in Olscamp 11 from 2:30-3:45.

In the evening–at 7 p.m. in the Student Union Theater– for “Media Coverage of Terror in the Name of Religion” Dr. Charles Kimball will be joined by Salam Al-Marayati, president of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, and Jamie Tarabay, National Correspondent, and former Baghdad Bureau Chief, for NPR. The experts’ discussion will be followed by an opportunity for audience questions. And, there will be refreshments and book sales in the second floor lobby by the theater before and after the panel discussion.

Both events are free and open to the public. Please support these lectures and encourage your student to attend.

Your students can find more information on Facebook at: “Media Coverage of Terror in the Name of Religion”

The evening event is co-sponsored by the United Muslim Association of Toledo.

Other important event sponsors include: Hiroko Nakamoto, the BGSU College of Arts & Sciences, the Honors Program, the Office of Multicultural Affairs, the departments of Sociology and Political Science, the American Culture Studies Program, the International Studies Program, and the School of Media & Communication.

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