7.Resume and Cover Letter

In this assignment, we had to conduct our own resume and cover letter from a job post we searched for on a credible website. We could use a resume that we made for an actual job we are applying for or we could make one up for class.What I did for this assignment was took one of the websites that Brittany gave us in class and search for a job there that corresponded with the kind of job I would like to have for my future career. The job post said that it was hiring and that it needed a copy of my resume and cover letter so this job was perfect to do for the assignment. The specific job that I personally applied for was a pharmaceutical sales specialist position. This position is a job that I will be applying for in my future because this is the education I pursued when in college. This job consists of going around from company to company trying to represent the company you work for and sell a particular product. The specific company that I applied for in this class was a company called AstraZeneca. Brittany gave us a large amount of examples of other resumes and cover letters that we could use for a guide. I enjoyed doing this project because it gave me a good start to what I am going to include in my resume and cover letter for my future job when I get out of college.

Here is my Resume, Cover Letter and Reflection Paper here.

I choose to revise my Resume, Cover Letter and Reflection Paper.

I also have a Revision Reflection page telling why I chose to revise this particular assignment.

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