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Another amazing bgsu blog

Monster 2/13

This monster has a small hairy body, which has two legs and arms. He has a huge head that has six little eyes above a gigantic nose. Under his big nose is a little mouth and he has two ears on each side of his head that are as long as his head. He likes long walks on the beach and the club scene at night.

Literacy Narrative – 2/9/09

A literacy narrative should basically be exactly what it means. It should tell a story of an experience of a literacy which the author went through in their past. It should let the audience know the facts of what happened during this time and maybe how the author felt through this experience. A good literacy narrative will be written well so that the audience will be ale to connect with the author and his/her experience.

Narrative 2/4

A narrative is a sequence of events which tells a story. It can be fiction or based on true events. It can be something between a long detailed story or just a few notes that someone has written down. I like reading narratives to find out what experiences other people have been through and what their past looked like so I understand them better.


As I posted before I am doing my narrative by using Microsoft paint. I will show a stick figure doing different things that show how I do different literacy’s through out the day. The feedback I got from my group was that it is creative. I only had 2 scenes done so I couldn’t show them much, but they liked it. They did say to make sure I’m not too repetetive so I keep the audiences’ attention all the way through. This might be hard because there are only so many way I can draw stick figures. I think I’ll have to throw something like music or sound effects to make it funny. In addition I will probably have to make the drawings more detailed than I original hoped for. They also said to make sure I tell a story with it and not just a bunch of random drawings showing different literacies. This got me thinking about a storyline behind it. I think I’ll have my brother text me telling me to come down to OSU to visit. Then I’ll show how my guy looks up directions. Then he’ll have to read street signs on the way down while also reading directions and looking at a map. Finally when he gets down there I’ll show him with entertainment literacys’, for example music, reading articles in magazines, or even menus at a resturaunt. I will probably also show my guy at the gym and reading the signs on how to use each exercise. All in all I have a lot of work to do still.

Visual Narrative

For my visual narrative I was thinking about using Microsoft paint. I would draw a stick figure representing me and show what literacy’s I use daily. For example, I have him getting a text and showing him comprehending it. I will also show him able to read visual signs like for driving. I will make my guy kind of humorous so he will keep my audiences’ attention.

Visual Narratives

A good visual narrative consists of images and words that helps the audience understand what the person is trying to say or show in this matter. A good narrative demonstrates what the person is trying to say without actually saying mush or anything at all. It presents good visuals which the audience will receive a lasting impression of the person and will remember what literacies the person has by remembering the images of that person. A bad visual narrative is unclear, especially with its images. It doesn’t link its images well with what is trying to be said and the audience may perceive the idea beind it differently.


Why do certain memories stand out in your past as if they are more important than others? Is it because people think and talked about those memories more so therefore by reclling it more it’s easier to remember more distintly? Or does our own brain have a mind of its own and rather us remember those certain memories over others?

1/23 Blog

We use visuals for quick interpretations, for example in the reading Visual Literacies, it eplains how we use visuals for trafficing. We use visual signs when driving so with one quick glance people will understand what it means, so they don’t have to read entire sentences to know there’s a sharp turn coming up ahead and so on. Also visuals are used in communication whether it’s the speaker using visuals for better explanation, or the receiver verifying they understand with a simple head nod. Visuals are very important to me in education. It is much easier for me to learn something when I see a visual, like someone physically doing an example. In addition in everyday life visuals help me in my relationship cause girls are so confusing.

List of Literacies

  1. Able to interpret the writer’s main topic.
  2. Can read and understand a piece of writing the first time.
  3. Can figure out the tone and language of a piece of writing.
  4. Able to come up with good, detailed body paragraphs when writing a paper.
  5. Able to tell what kind of writing the authors doing, whether its a critique, arguing opposing positions, etc.
  6. I understand texting and AIM abbreviations.
  7. I understand certain computer commands, for example I know how to interpret the meaning when a pop up is blocked and I have to temporarily allow pop ups for access.