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Portfolios 3/6

I haven’t had an English class for a couple of years so I don’t remember too much about portfolios. I just remember hating to have to do them and thinking they were unnecessary. I understand having to submit our papers for final grading, but taking so much time to do it when I just want to be done with class was ridiculous.


When there are pop-ups or news reports, people from ages 18 to 24 don’t think anything important from them. They may feel it is just an advertisement or a report that isn’t directed toward them. When they receive a text message, they know it was purposely sent to their phone for their eyes, so they read the note in its entirety. Our PSA hopefully will help our directed audience to be more literate with all urgent messages because they don’t know exactly which ones are directed towards them.

PSA 3/2

So far our PSA is going real well. Our group is focused and committed on getting it done, and we have been real productive. Once we figured out what message we were going to say and how we were going to say it, it’s been smooth sailing. We still need to edit our video and put it all together, but that should be done by today. We then need to edit the script to what exactly we used, and type about the audience.

Part II Audience Kindergartners:

Computers will help you out a lot in school. There are a lot of fun games that are also educational and teach you lessons while you are having fun. You can also use a program called Microsoft Word that will help you with learning how to spell and a calculator so you can double check your math problems. You can also use email, which is a way of sending messages to people, so you can talk to group members about different projects you might have to do in the future.

Computers 2/25

A computer is a very important tool to have in school. First it is the most efficient way to write a paper because you can go back and edit your work without having a bunch of erase marks or crossed out words. Also you can add a sentence or paragraph anywhere, unlike on paper where you won’t have room. Plus when you want a final copy it will look neat and professional. There is also the concept of researching easily on the web and researching from more articles faster.

Evaluate PSA 2/23

  • Audience should receive some sort of message.
  • Relate to the audience in some way so they will focus more on the PSA.
  • Make it exciting or funny to get people’s attention right off the bat.
  • Should get the audience feeling some sort of emotion, where they will react to that emotion the way you want them to.
  • Should be about 30 to 60 sec.
  • At the end, after the audience feels like they need to do something, ask them specifically what action you would like them to take.
  • Some message that is looking out for the best interest of the public and not just trying to control them to do what you wish.

PSA Topics 2/23

Topic 1: Texting

  1. People should be more aware of their surroundings instead of texting so much.
  2. Adolescence to Young Adults
  3. Video

Topic 2: Word choice and grammer in front of kids

  1. Parents need to be aware that their kids learn by imitating them, so the parents should be using proper language and no swearing.
  2. Young Adults or Adults that need to better their parental duties
  3. Audio

Topic 3: Communicating only through text

  1. Demonstrate how stupid it is to be texting nonstop instead of conversing more face to face.
  2. Adolescence to Young Adults
  3. Video

PSA Analysis 2/20

The actors portray the message by starting off with this girl posting her picture on a board. People start coming by and grabbing a copy and the picture still remands on the board just like online anyone can copy and paste the image. The voice over says that after you post something you can’t take it back which is true because anyone can copy it. The text is used to point out main things that the producer wants the audience to think about. Like in the commercial they want you to think about your family and what they will think of you when you post that picture, and if it is appropriate enough for your parents to see it. It is a commercial geared toward teens in highschool because they showed everyone talking about this girls picture. It could also be a message for girls because they tend to like to post more revealing pictures of themselves for attention.

Literacy Statistics 2/20

I think an interesting fact is the very first one. That only 1 out of 17 seventeen-year-olds can read and gain information.

  • 1 in 12 White 17 yr olds
  • 1 in 50 Latinos
  • 1 in 100 African Americans ( this statistic is mind boggling)

Also I was interested to hear about the statistic on parents reading to their kids. A few parents with low socioeconomic status barely read to their kids which makes me think their kids are going to end up with low socioeconomic status as well. I believe parents can have the biggest impact on kids life because they are the ones aroung them most of the time molding them the way they feel is best. I believe if more parents took time to read to their kids and get them excited about reading then they may grow up with a more advanced reading level.

Technology 2/18

Technology plays a vital role in everyday life for the general public. The Internet is a prime source of communication now and also a prime resource for information. Everybody uses the Internet probably once a day on average, at least in the U.S. In addition technology is used for emergencies such as police using computers in their cars. The police have so many devices now that can determine the location of certain people and also in their cars they can pull up profiles of almost everybody. In the business world almost all business associates carry around Blackberry’s. These devices are simple, little, cellular phone-looking devices which help them stay connected to the Internet and read emails at all times. There are also disadvantages with technology though. Destructive people can create viruses that can totally shut down computers and ruin people’s computer’s memory. In addition, professional hackers can hack into certain data bases to steal information. The really really good hackers may even be able to hack into government computers and steal information that could potentially threaten our nation. Technology today is a great tool, but only when it is used for good.