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Final Project Proposal


Eng 207

Spring 2009

Options 1 & 2 Focus

1. For my final project I am going to focus on my Microsoft Office                   

literacy because: I am recently enrolled in a class about this so the information is fresh in my head, so I am very literate on this subject matter.


2. This is a literacy because:


It is a technology literacy, which will demonstrate my knowledge on this computer program.


3. Explain how you use/practice/demonstrate this literacy right now in your life right now (in other words, what role does the literacy in question one play in your life)?


I use Microsoft Word to type papers for my classes. I use MS Excel to help keep track of my finances and help me project what I can and can’t spend my money on. I use MS PowerPoint to setup presentations for classes in a professional and fashionable manner.


4. Explain how this literacy might be used by others in their personal lives.  Explain how this literacy might be used by others in their professional lives.


This literacy is growing in our technological advancing world right now. Microsoft Office provides a few programs for people to utilize in helping them organize personal and professional parts of their life. For personal purposes people can use Excel to help keep track of finances, Word to help write letters, make fliers, etc. This literacy particularly helps people in the field of business to keep track of business finances in Excel, to write letters or memos in a professional manner in Word, and present information to other businesses, investors, etc in a professional manner in Power Point.


5. How do you see yourself using this literacy professionally?  What need does this literacy meet that others cannot?  In other words, what will this literacy do that others do not?


Same as how others do which is listed above.


6. How do you plan to demonstrate your literacy?


With option one, I will write a paper describing how I use it and will use it in the future.


7. What questions do you have about this project?


None thus far

8.  Create a chronological list of the steps you will need to take to complete this project.  Then, set a time-line of when each step will be completed.  This will be a tentative contract between you and me to assure you’re making progress on this project.


1)     Write down ideas about this literacy in an unorganized web or outline. (Done by Mon 4/20)

2)     Put ideas together in a rough draft. (Done by Weds 4/22)

3)     Get feedback and make final revisions for final draft. (Done by 4/27)

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