Sharing Ideas

Another amazing bgsu blog

Ideal Reader

1) People ages 15 and a half and up would be the ideal audience because they have some experience with the driving situation or have friends that are starting to drive. It might help the teens from 15 and a half to 17 realize what a big responsibility driving really is and how alert one must be at all times behind the wheel. They may figure it’s a right for them to have their licence when it’s really a privilege.

2) Little kids who are still learning how to write but can read for the most part would be ideal. They would recently remember the process of reading and writing, and would understand where I was coming from. They may still not like to read and will find out through the article that it is really a good thing that’ll help one in the future.

3) People about my age and older who never liked reading a lot or wasn’t very good at it when they were younger would appreciate this narrative. They may feel sympathetic for why I hated reading when I was younger and will understand the difficulties of reading when growing up.

4) People in music majors or have learned music before would be the ideal audience here. They may feel like music is one of the best things on Earth and that it helped me throughout my life in many different ways. They would understand the knowledge of learning music can bring to someone and how important it is.

5) People who like math would be the ideal audience. They will think math was always fun to learn also and can see where I was coming from.


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