Sharing Ideas

Another amazing bgsu blog


As I posted before I am doing my narrative by using Microsoft paint. I will show a stick figure doing different things that show how I do different literacy’s through out the day. The feedback I got from my group was that it is creative. I only had 2 scenes done so I couldn’t show them much, but they liked it. They did say to make sure I’m not too repetetive so I keep the audiences’ attention all the way through. This might be hard because there are only so many way I can draw stick figures. I think I’ll have to throw something like music or sound effects to make it funny. In addition I will probably have to make the drawings more detailed than I original hoped for. They also said to make sure I tell a story with it and not just a bunch of random drawings showing different literacies. This got me thinking about a storyline behind it. I think I’ll have my brother text me telling me to come down to OSU to visit. Then I’ll show how my guy looks up directions. Then he’ll have to read street signs on the way down while also reading directions and looking at a map. Finally when he gets down there I’ll show him with entertainment literacys’, for example music, reading articles in magazines, or even menus at a resturaunt. I will probably also show my guy at the gym and reading the signs on how to use each exercise. All in all I have a lot of work to do still.

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