Motorists can help make the roads safer for motorcyclists by taking some simple precautions.
- Typically, motorcyclists are more inclined to take to the road on weekends, meaning it is even more important to stay alert and be extra cautious.
- Allow ample space for the motorcyclist to maneuver and react if necessary; always follow three or more seconds behind.
- Never attempt to share the lane with a motorcycle.
- Motorcycles can be heard to see; look for them by double checking your mirrors and blind spots before switching to another lane of traffic.
- Always signal before changing lanes or merging with traffic; this allows motorcyclists time to anticipate your movement and find a safe lane position.
- If a turn signal is on, wait to be sure the rider is going to turn before you proceed; it may not be self-canceling and the motorcyclist may have forgotten to turn it off.
Remember, safety is a shared responsibility –– do your part.
To learn more traffic safety tips visit the Safe Communities website.