Kelsey Hammersmith, B.S. in Human Development and Family Studies (2015)
Student Supervisor – PFH Facility (2012-15)
I first started working for Recreation and Wellness over winter break my freshman year. I was beyond thrilled to be working at BGSU, let alone in a position that would further my work experience, leadership skills, and eventually help me attain a full-time job.
We will always be falcons and have support from BGSU throughout our lives, and the connections made in this department are a major stepping stone to future success!I started as a Perry Field House (PFH) Front Desk Attendant and was promoted to Front Desk Associate within a month of being hired. Through both of these positions, I gained valuable communication skills while setting up/tearing down from events, and even while training new employees. My hard work and dedication to the department was significantly acknowledged, as that year I was awarded as the Sue Hager Female Student Employee of the Year.
After working in the department for two and a half years, I was then promoted to PFH Student Supervisor. I jumped right into this position, and became more involved within the department, as if I wasn’t already! I continued improving my leadership skills as I was nominated and elected as the President of the Student Employee Board (SEB). While holding this position I oversaw all of the Student Supervisors in the department, as well as the planning of two banquets.
The most rewarding experience was being able to speak at the Student Recreation Center (SRC) Ribbon Cutting ceremony in February of 2015. I’ve never really been a person to want to make a speech in front of a lot of people, but decided that I would take on this responsibility, as I have had a lot of memories at the SRC as a kid, and the Recreation and Wellness department in general. This opportunity was one of my best memories at BGSU and in this department. During the ceremony, Mike Wilcox gave all of us the best advice of “dream big, double it, and do it”!
As I was wrapping up all of my responsibilities and almost ready to graduate, I started reflecting upon my experiences over the past three and a half year in this department. I honestly cannot say thank you enough to everyone in the department who stepped up and helped me grow, not only as an employee but also as a supervisor, student, and person.
After graduating from BGSU, I searched extensively for jobs. I took Mike Wilcox’s advice into consideration as I was already dreaming big. My next step was to double it, and then do it. I recently accepted a Hotel Logistics Coordinator position at a private jet company called Flight Options, in which I will be relocating to Cleveland, Ohio.
This department has offered myself and future students not only work experience, but an experience that can be applied in all areas of life. As I start my career at Flight Options, I wanted to thank everyone in the Department of Recreation and Wellness for providing me with the most rewarding experience for three and a half great years. My biggest advice is to cherish the memories and moments while they are here, because you will be walking across that graduation stage before you know it! Lastly, lets stay in touch! We will always be falcons and have support from BGSU throughout our lives, and the connections made in this department are a major stepping stone to future success!