Aerobiquerque – Week 4

Hello HealthTrip Participants!

A native of Aerobiquerque, Dr. Fiesta, provides medical care to hundreds of area residents and recognizes the importance of regular aerobic activity to maintain good overall health. That’s why he recently hosted the Mexican Jumping Bean contest with overwhelming success! Over 1,000 Aerobiquerquians came together for an afternoon of jump roping and fun at this first-time event. Veteran jump roper, Al Betcha Exercise, had this to say about the contest: “jump-roping gets my blood flowing, my heart beating faster, and makes me feel energized. It was neat to witness so many friends and neighbors enjoying this great aerobic activity together!”

Thinking about trying a new aerobic activity this week? Grab your rope and jump into this fun form of exercise for something different.

Jump In!

Check out the following links for some quick jump rope workouts:

Not up for jumping rope?  Add variety to your aerobic routine by trying this low-impact cardio routine: 15 minute Walk At Home video

Important Dates!

  • February 28 – Your last day in Aerobiquerque! Make the most of your last week by racking up extra Frequent Mover Miles! J Confused with logging your Frequent Mover Miles?  Contact Taylor at for assistance.
  • March 3– This is a big day for HealthTrip!  We have a lot going on:
    • This is your due date to submit your travel journals to Taylor at  All travelers who submit their travel log for Aerobiquerque are entered in a raffle for a Heart Rate Monitor!  Travelers who earn at least 600 Frequent Mover Miles during the month of February receive two entries.
    • We arrive in Pressureburgh, Pennsylvania! It is going to be an exciting month filled with resources and activities to help you keep your blood pressure LOW for a healthy HIGH!
    • We have a wonderful Move-It Monday workout planned to kick off our arrival in Pressureburgh.  Join Falcon Fitness Trainer Jared in Bowen-Thompson Student Union Room 316 from 12:15-1:00 PM for a light cardio and strength workout that will leave you feeling strong!

Don’t forget to check out the Rec Well Wire blog for weekly updates and additional resources to assist you on your HealthTrip journey.

Have a healthy day!

Your HealthTrip Tour Guides