Chapter 8 Blog

The key point in this chapter that intrigued me was how they integrated wiki into the classroom.  Using wiki for class projects and the teacher being able to track the students work/progress by what they post on wiki.  It is important for the teacher to establish a collaborative environment from the start of the project assignment and have it throughout the classroom.  The project must involve every student in one way or another to have a collaborative environment.  There are three options that wiki provides for the students to help them work together is a plus for a class assignment.  The three options include: allow students to edit others work, retain previous versions that students can revert to and lastly, the teacher can keep track of all the entries and edits made by the students.  As future teachers using wiki in a marketing class for an advertising project and using the three options and the 14 tips (pg 147) in wiki for guidance could be a fun and exciting project to create.

Using wiki in the business world can be used for pre and post meetings.  Business members can get on wiki and review the notes before a meeting that they will be attending.  They can add or delete information before printing the agenda and after the meeting information can be added that was stated and posted for everyone to view.  Also members that were not able to attend the meeting can review the information and add what they need to inform co-workers.

Another great web 2.0 tool to use in the classroom and business world.

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