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In Class Assignment 6- November 9, 2010

For most of these images I categorized them where they best fit, however in every image I made multiple adjustments.  So although an image may be in the “Clarity” heading, I may have changed the white balance, increased saturation and blacks, and corrected the exposure.

White Balance:

This is the only White Balance specific image, however every other edit I did included some sort of WB alteration.

Over Exposed:

The first 3 images were basically overexposed beyond repair.  Lowering the exposure in Camera RAW helped, but they all still look overexposed.


For all of these I used the exposure and recovery sliders. The second image was pretty much underexposed beyond repair.  For the 4th image I extensively used the fill light slider and recovery and even a little increased blacks

Fill Light:

I used the Fill Light slider and also WB.


For the flowers I increased clarity to sharpen, for head shots I lowered it to soften.  I also used it in many of the other pictures.


For these photos I used the straighten tool, and in a few cases  cropped them more than “suggested”.  I also added clarity, and changed WB.


I used the Tone Curve tools to improve the contrast in these images.  I also used the Contrats slider in many images, and in a few I used the Tone Curve tool.


I used the crop tool with the convenient 2 to 3 ratio.

~ by oberzm on November 9, 2010 .

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