Apendix C

1. How could you create a similar experience for any business education curriculum and/or course?

In a business class the class could use individual wiki’s to take notes on their laptops.  Then, after class students could compare notes on various subjects to help with each others’ learning.  They could form teams of students that would also compare notes, work on projects together, and help teach each other more difficult topics.  The teachers in the business education area could also blog briefly about the class, how the day went and attach some of the files that were used in class that day.

2. What do you think is a strength of his scenario?

The strength of the scenario is that all of the education is shared.  Collaboration on this level is so large and useful that everyone from the top administrators to the teachers and student’s benefit.  This is an ideal scenario in education that as long as all of the cogs in the machine do their part.  If one link of this learning unit slacks all others are affected.

3. What do you think is a weakness of his scenario?
Like I touched on in the previous answer is that this learning cycle is inter-dependent on each of their parts.  If one aspect of the cycles, one teacher doesn’t hold up their end of the chain then the other parts are affected and the link will eventually lose its integrity and usefulness.

One thought on “Apendix C

  1. Rose Kuceyeski
    8:27 pm - 11-30-2010

    Good idea about study teams using the wiki. Excellent point regarding the weakness. Everyone has to commit and contribute equally by being effective and efficient.

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