Chapter 8

I have heard about the digital divide in a few other education classes I have taken.  I enjoyed the statistics that 70% of White and Asian-American children have internet access at home while only 40% of Indian, Hispanic, and African-American students have the same access.  Teachers will need to be very aware of their classes and students and possibly even ask on the student’s information sheet if they have a computer and internet access at home when thinking about incorporating technology and assigning work.  You don’t want to assign projects involving technology if the students don’t have it available at home.

Using technology and creating authentic assessments can prepare students for standardized tests.  I never thought that this was totally possible or accurate but after reading this section I can see how the two are related.  I think using videos of interviews and observing and critiquing them could help business students prepare for standardized tests and all of the different parts of interviews.

One thought on “Chapter 8

  1. Rose Kuceyeski
    10:36 am - 11-12-2010

    Good idea about using a survey at the beginning to assess your students’ technology access at home.

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