Chapter 7

My first thoughts from this chapter are about the cyber quiz.  I remember in high school having to sign an acceptable use form to be able to use the internet at school but I think it also might be valuable for students to take some sort of quiz like this to be able to use the internet.  It may seem redundant and mundane for students in this age of technology that we live in but a reinforcement of the rules and proper procedures for internet use could never hurt the students and it would be best applied at the beginning of the school year and as a requirement for the students to be able to access the internet.

I also analyzed table 7.1 – Is It Stealing?.  I thought it was interesting that across the board all ages found it to be stealing more often if the item was comparatively more expensive.  All of the questions, Cd compared to DVD, music to movies, and less or greater than $20, the lower priced item was thought to be stealing less than the other.  I think this is an interesting study of our society.  It is almost as though petty crimes are considered less important crimes as compared to higher value ones.

I also enjoyed reading about the intricacies of the law regarding copyrights and the other issues associated with technology, file sharing and the internet.  It seems like a very complex issue that will never have definite guidelines and rules with technology and internet being so fluid and every changing.

One thought on “Chapter 7

  1. Rose Kuceyeski
    5:09 pm - 10-27-2010

    You made an interesting observation about Table 7.1. You are also right about how things change and are fluid. Therefore, it is so important for educators to stay up to date on these topics.

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