Chapter 6

This chapter intrigued me on multiple levels.  We have learned about new technologies in previous chapters and strategies to use them effectively.  This chapter explains how to implement them and to an extent who should be leading this.  I think it is interesting to understand the dynamics of how a classroom gets new computers or why a district would upgrade software or install new hardware.  I think its all about the dollar in the end, but that sometimes expressing technologies importance to education can also lead to upgrades.  I also believe from the classroom teachers to the superintendent everyone needs to be involved and knowledgeable about technology needs and where improvements can be made.

Again in this chapter there was mention of another aspect of education using technology.  This time it was the administrators and blogging.  I guess the question I posed for the last chapter’s Twitter will continue to be explored in each chapter.

One thought on “Chapter 6

  1. Rose Kuceyeski
    1:45 pm - 10-18-2010

    You are right that everyone needs to be knowledgeable about technology needs, etc. including administrators. Obviously, all administrators cannot be competent in the technologies. Your Twitter addresses limitations and their limits. You are right that this question is probably explored in some way in each chapter.

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