Education Podcast

Teachers and Communication – Richard Smith and Caroline Crawford – Education and Technology Today

This blog talks about how teachers can communicate in a forum that is easily described as a teacher marketplace and network.  Teachers can share their own knowledge,  sell some of their original work, collaborate on ideas.  I liked this podcast as a new teacher to tell me about ways to share knowledge and find knowledge of other teachers.  The podcast talked about teachers being on islands and coming up with their knowledge.  This podcast talks about ways to bring teachers together and help each other become better teachers.  I found this very useful since it opened my eyes to new ways to communicate with my co-workers and become a better teacher.

One thought on “Education Podcast

  1. Rose Kuceyeski
    8:33 pm - 10-2-2010

    Went to this link, and I see a lot of great podcasts here.

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