Chapter 3

The first thing about this chapter that I enjoyed reading about and learning was the all of the open source software that is available and how to use it.  I come from a very tech-savy family who uses these technologies dail, but I never really understood them or how to use them.  As I type this blog entry I am using Mozilla Firefox.  I have used torrents before to share files between my brother and I.  While I don’t think that I have a solid grasp entirely on the capabilities of web 2.0 and open sources I think they provide a great platform to collaborate and share ideas and I hope to be able to learn about them and be able to use them effectively.

I also enjoyed catching up in this chapter about all of the programs that I already use on a daily basis including; social networking, Microsoft applications, video messaging, and Google.  I think reflecting on it now Google provides so much in the way of education opportunites.  I have Google Earth and enjoying flying around the world via satelite but that is a great tool to teach geography.  We are also using Google Reader in class, and I have also used Google to share files and create slide shows.  I think Google is something that will continue to evolve and large search engines will grow and include email and all of the other features like Google does.  We like big box one-stop shopping stores like Wal-Mart in real life… why not in cyberspace too?

One thought on “Chapter 3

  1. Rose Kuceyeski
    3:06 pm - 9-17-2010

    Sounds like you have some knowledge to share about these programs, etc. Now how to use them in the classroom. Great comment about the “one-stop shop.”

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