Chapter 2 Reading

The first part of this chapter that I found particularly interesting was the updated Bloom’s taxonomy diagram.  The biggest thing that caught my eye was the tense change of the words.  All of the revised taxonomy words ended in “ing”.  To me this meant than in the first Bloom’s it says “Analysis”, this revised version calls it “Analyzing”.  I think it is a big and correct change to make sure at each level the student is actually doing the skill.  I thought the switch from nouns to verbs was a good improvement.

The other part of the chapter that I took notice too was the huge statistical numbers about our students.  Maybe since I am currently in that generation I don’t feel the numbers as much untill I read them but I was astounded by the numbers of internet users, their average ages, and how much me rely on all things technological everyday.  Sometimes when I read those numbers I’m shocked and blown away, but I realize it is how our society is evolving and as a future teacher we need to embrace this.  I think Dr. K does a good job of introducing us to all of these technologies in class and I look forward to continuing to learn about them and how to effectively use them in my future classses.

One thought on “Chapter 2 Reading

  1. Rose Kuceyeski
    3:05 pm - 9-17-2010

    Yes, until we see the stats, we have not clue about the analytics. This alone should affect what we do in the classroom and how we do it.

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