SRC Tour Reflection

October 3rd, 2010

After touring the Student Recreation Center on BGSU campus, I did not really have any different views on it than before.  I have worked out here since my freshman year, and now being in my last semester at BGSU, I did not notice anything different than before.  However, I must say, the coolest part of the tour was being able to see the pool from underground. That was amazing to me. Once I found out that the pool is on the other side of a wall and later saw  the window, my anxiety began to set in slightly. All I could think of is first: that wall could bust at any moment and I would be bombarded with how many tons of water, and secondly, the movie Free Willy when they were underground and looking into the water (bringing back memories of favorite childhood movies). 

In regards to the chapters in our book that we have been reading for class, I have compared the somewhat outdated facility to recommendations in the text book “Facility Planning and Design”. Chapter 13 states that newer facilities have “flumes” and “water treadmills”.  Our facility at BGSU does not provide water treadmills, at least not that I saw on our tour.  I think that if water treadmills were available, they would definitely be used. I know that personally, I would love to use a water treadmill. 

The BGSU recreation center also offers water aerobic classes.  This is a wonderful program that allows students and people from the outside community to workout in a serene atmosphere. By offering aquatic workout classes to the open community, it draws in extra income to the recreation center. This link provides information regarding water aerobics.

Chapter 15 covered the topic “Rebuild, Renovate, or Reinvest”.  Given that the BGSU recreation Center was built almost 40 years ago, they need to decide what the best solution is in regards to updating the center.  The text book states that “Decision-making is largely based on an assessment of what the community wants to see changed.” However, the community and student body often complain that the facility needs updated, but as stated in the tour, the funds to redesign or upgrade are minimal, if any at all.  I personally think that the services offered at the recreation center are adequate, however when it comes to looking at other university’s recreation centers, ours is severely outdated.

The following link shows The Ohio State University’s recreation facilities. This campus has a very nice structure and equipment. If Iwere to re-design BGSU’s recreation center, I would take ideas from OSU’s.

Chapter 15 also talked about lighting outside of the facility.  The BGSU recreation center has adequate lighting outside of the facility that leads to the parking lot.  There are street lamps that outline the sidewalk that leads to the parking lot.

Based on the recommendations from the book, the BGSU recreation center offers comparable amenities.  Even though they are outdated, they still serve the intended purpose.

One thought on “SRC Tour Reflection

  1. lona
    5:56 pm - 10-12-2010

    Mandie – I like your ideas and the relations to reading. Can you add in some actual links and then you’ll be all set!

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