Good Festival

well, last weekend, I was doing my homework all the day and never went out my dorm. soI of course cannot went to downtown and join the Black Swamp arts festival. Fortunately, my roommate who named Aeron told me that ^ is very exciting and perfect. There are many kinds of music and version art show make people increase our curiosity and active. Such as Wood working, Felted Beads, Weaving and Transfer and Oil Techniques and list will go on. It is sounds great and lets me feel regret not joined that festival.

According the website, the first photo about Black Swap Arts Festival I found is a teacher was teaching her student how to create the pottery. And I felt happy because it is not only making pottery is the famous Chinese skill and lots of people want to learn, but also children can study the new knowledge and skill from this entertainment.

The second picture I want to describe was the 2014 Performing Artists Lineup. Lots of family band and some famous music band inside and rocked all of the visitors. Also from the website and in my point of view, I found the best in those band is DEAD SOLDIERS. this band is differ from other not only the melody sounds more comfortable to me. and they also use the special skull portrait to sign their band which was not like other band always using their singer’s picture or their group photos to sign them. those reasons give me a secretand good impression to themand that’s why I thought this band is the best in that festival.

The last photo I want to shared is that ^ are thousands of people insideand joined this Festival. it is incredible because I have never seen which number of people in Bowling Green. In my opinion, It is also can prove this Festival was very important in Bowling Green.


2 Responses to Good Festival

  1. amycook says:

    Hi Haoqing,
    It looks like you copied over the comments I wrote in your draft–I’d go ahead and delete those; they only need to be between the two of us; not visible to anyone who reads your blog. 🙂
    Also, please use “new post” from your main page to add your Writing Assignments (instead of creating a new page every time).

  2. Haoqing Li says:

    i’m so sorry about that, actually, i was correct my wrong word make in the paper before, but that day my laptop had problem which cannot cancel the tips when i updated. And thx for ur information to let’s me know this issue.

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