if my friends come to my Country~

In my country, China is one of the biggest country in the world, of course have lots of good views and different culture. If my American friends want to travel to china, then I will introduce the history, views, and culture about China to help him planning his travel plan.
First of all, if my friend who want to travel to China, then he will enter Beijing airport first. I will recommend this city ‘Beijing’ lets him to travel few days, because Beijing is the capital city in China and it also have more than one thousand beautiful place we can see and enjoy it. For example, there are Tian An Men, Imperial Palace and the Forbidden City locate the mid of Beijing, like the central park in New York, it was each ancient emperor’s palace which are very luxury. The Imperial Palace was designed to be the center of the ancient. 1

According this picture, that is the real Imperial Palace looks like, which is not only gorgeous and beautiful, and also we can study lots of culture and knowledge about Chinese history. There are more than 14 million tourists came here, that’s obviously expand the Chinese culture transfer and communicated.
Furthermore, I also will recommend my friend to see my hometown’s famous building which is Yellow Crane Tower. Yellow Crane Tower was built in 223AD and it has 1780 years old. It has 61.7 meters high and 3219 SQ. Km and is one of forth famous Building in China. In Chinese myth story, there was a Chinese god who lived in the Yellow Crane Tower and protected local people, and the yellow crane are his friends always fly around this building. That’s why it called Yellow Crane Tower.

There has a bridge between the Yellow Crane Tower is Wuhan ChangJiang Bridge which also has a story. That’s if you walk across the Wuhan ChangJiang Bridge with your boy or girlfriend, then you will happiness with your boy or girlfriend forever. This is lovely story is came from郭沫若 (Guo Mo ruo) who is most famous Chinese writer made fiction book.SO, If my friends travel to my country, Yellow Crane Tower and Wuhan ChangJiang Bridge obviously are the best place I will recommend. On the other hand, Because Wuhan is my hometown and it is located mid of China, which means there are lots of delicious foods I can give you if you love food. For example, hot noodle, Dou Pi and Hun Dun, which are all delicious Chinese food and I’m crazy about it.

Finally, due to above mention ideas, I will feel comfortable to suggest my friends first travel to the Imperial Palace then move to Wuhan and admire the Yellow Crane Tower and Wuhan ChangJiang Bridge and enjoy the local Chinese foods.

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