The Lead of Modern K-pop Music

There is a public consensus today about whether musicians, bands and people who love music are increasing their focus on pop music. In addition, Korean pop music entered the Asian market at the turn of the 21st century and rapidly controlled most of the teenagers and young adults of Asia. Nowadays, the K-pop culture wave covers America, India, and Europe. From the statistic information, Google Trends shows K-pop culture is a very hot commodity around the world and dominates the world music trend.
There is a band named Big Bang, who have dominated and influenced K-pop for more than ten years. As their name suggests, this band is famous all across the world, and have been responsible for many social and cultural influences. The group has five members, whose names are G-Dragon, Tae-Yang, TOP, Dae-Sung and Seung-Ri. This essay will focuse on their latest song, named ‘Bang, Bang, Bang.’
The first good point to talk about with ‘Bang, Bang, Bang’ is its high popularity in the world, and how it can change people’s attitude. Nowadays, the world is stuck in a mechanized life; people keep working for their salary and keep studying in order to find a good job. But to be honest, people need to have passion in their life. From the lyrics and music video, people can feel a different life style. It uses crazy dancing and singing to express how we should do something crazy when we are young, and it is also efficient to make people relax from their mechanized and boring lifestyle. The evidence that proves people really love this song is that this song was published on YouTube less than one year ago, but it already has 167,682,320 views and 97 percent positive reviews.
On the other hand, from the professional music aspect, this song is highly difficult and covered various music elements, like rap, R&B, electronic music, and the list will go on. Also, the structure, rhythm, and chords adapted peoples’ music style. For example, normal K-pop music’s structure will usually have 3 to 4 parts and it might be ABCAB or ABABCD. Also, the rhythm will be a simple one. However, ‘Bang, Bang, Bang’ is a totally different story, because there are five people in the group and each one has their own different character. Because of this, this song has more than 6 parts structures such as, ‘ABCDEFD’ and uses very quick rhythm to bring audiences a special experience. People can feel the enthusiasm and enjoy the whole song because this song has no repeats, meaning each part can give people a fresh feeling and different audio feast. That is the reason why this song got many views and why this band is the leader in modern K-pop music.
Finally, due to the above mentioned reasons, Big Bang uses this song to give audiences a different feeling, and they have the high-level music skills to make us relax from the pressures of life and to be more positive. We can feel comfortable to say ‘Bang, Bang, Bang’ is the leader of modern K-pop music.

Statistic information:,Jpop,Rock%20Music,Country%20Music,Pop%20Music&hl=en-US
The songs’ website:

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