W5 Traveling with shopping and enjoy the local culture

There is a public debate today about whether people who always talking with each other what destination we want to traveling when the vacation come. Some of people who stay point of view that we can go abroad take picture and shopping, and they claim that some goods and luxuries are stay different price in different area. Because of tax, currency transfer, and area define, like LV which is a luxuries brand is very popular to people. It is interesting that the same LV bag in France is cheaper than this bag in China. That’s why lots of people want to use their holiday go abroad and shopping. However, mainly, I disagree with this point of view, because it is not only cannot make me relax and also cannot study some local culture and behavior. Sometimes people would ignore most of beautiful view when they focus shopping and that’s also ignore what the real vacation destination is. In my point of view, I hold the second opinion which people should enjoy and study the local culture when we are vacation.
First of all, the advantage that is traveling other place to study and enjoy local culture and behavior is not only can boost our knowledge which we didn’t know before and it also make many friends with local people, study different language and feel different views. For example, my friend who named John Wang is a high school student and want to become a historian. He always traveling in his summer holiday and would study all of local culture and stories. In his opinion, making local friends and ask by face to face is better to study the history knowledge than the textbook and the internet. In fact, because of those friends’ help and his history presentation, he got the offer by King College in Cambridge University. Therefore, the experience of his traveling give him a big help and it is also important for us.
That statistic information also provide adequate justification for my point of view, A few days ago, it was Fall break, I was surfing the internet and searching some place can go purchase Iphone6 and shopping some goods which have a lots discount. However, I found an investigation in Chinese WangYi news website, which 69 percent people who believe it is waste time and life when people go shopping in their holiday, and those goods sometimes are actually not necessities for us and list will go on. Such reasons and statistics changed my opinion, then I option to travel in Chicago and East Lansing to took lots of beautiful pictures and visited the art institute of Chicago, Field museum of natural History and Museum of Science. That was such magnificent and I benefit a lot!
Of course, shopping in some vacation destination also are benefit some people and it is truth, shopping not only is the one of way to make people relax from the high stress working environment and people who buy some goods like necklace, ring, wallet something very luxury with high discount in their traveling. They also feel comfortable and very happy like the winner, but I was confuse that who is the loser and those mentality also make me confused.
To sum up, due to the above mentioned reasons, even some people like shopping, I still insist my point of view, and I might be comfortable to say that people who traveling different place can study the local culture and some new knowledge, which are more meaningful than just shopping.

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