I have a story about my mathematic class when i was a high school student, and this story also show us encouragement is one of the most  important element to help us study and grow up.

When I was 12 years old and I studied high school in my first year. I was in trouble about my mathematic class, which means some problems in math skill i cannot control completely and my math score always be lower than other classmates. i was really impassion and find a approach like shortcut to conquer this issue. In the same time, my math teacher not only didn’t give me some suggestions, but he also criticized me for my low score. I had hopeless and felt upset because I had no confidence to face this problem without teacher’s encouragement and proposal.

My parents noticed the condition of myself was not the positive       and tried to find the method to cope with this problem. The lucky thing is that I was transferred to other high school which named Wu Han NO.2high School. When I went to school at first day, and I was really fearful about new environment, new classmates and new teacher. Especially I’m really worry about my mathematic class. I was ridicule of my classmates when they knew my math was horrible. Fortunately, i joined in the nice group with my classmates who were really friendly and enthusiastic to help me study math skill and the teacher whose name is Chadetaishen LI was really patient to educated me even I made such an enormous mistakes in my math class and always said me ‘ you are really smart and you can do this!’ So, my math skill was boost efficiently with the help and inspiration of everybody. And I receive the confidence to handle this subject.

This is most experience and turning point in my life. My kind classmates and my teacher supported me to figure out one after another problems. I just want to say’ thank you so much to expression the feeling of gratitude.

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