Unit 2

Posted on April 13th, 2009 in by lpate
In unit 2, we learned about what PSAs and rhetorical analysis are. We were required to complete two projects that included making a PSA and writing a rhetorical analysis. Through the PSA, my group was able to display the various aspects that are included in a PSA. These aspects include rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, and logos), finding a specific audience, and relay a certain message. My group’s message was about a teacher who is going through alcohol awareness week and explaining the dangers of drinking to her class. Her students then find a picture of her drinking on the internet and feel she is a total hypocrit. For the PSA, my group (Jilian, Alana, Danielle, Andy and myself) was not able to display the whole message. Because it deals with drinking, and we are all future teachers, we did not want our faces on the internet with pictures of us possibly drinking. Even though it was a message against drinking, we know that pictures can always resurface and we didn’t want our future students or their parents to have to think twice about it.
By developing a rhetorical analysis, I was able to pick a specific PSA and explain it, in further detail, how I was able to analyze the different elements of it. I looked at a PSA about father involvment and analyzed the author’s message, the audience choice, character choice, setting etc. On this page, I have displayed the two projects for this unit and the PSA I chose to do rhetorical analysis of. Click on the links below to view each project.
My PSA:   
 My Rhetorical Analysis and PSA I analyzed:      My Rhetorical Analysis

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