LLC, the Movie!

The LLC is currently working on putting together a fast paced, low budget movie to use for marketing online and among high schools.  We are looking for pictures and/or videos of BGSU language students?

What exactly are we looking for?  Activities that show BGSU language students interacting and having fun!!

For example:

  • Class activities
  • Club activities
  • Movie showings (pictures of the crowd/audience)
  • Learning Communities (e.g. La Maison Française)

If you have videos and/or pictures already, or if you are interested in getting some for your activities, please contact the coordinator, Amber Kent at

Also, we are looking for volunteers to allow the staff to document scheduled LLC time.  We’re especially interested in classes using Webquests, Audacity, iMovie, or other technology.

We look forward to hearing from those who can help out!

Keep your eyes and ears open for a completed movie coming this Summer!

21 thoughts on “LLC, the Movie!

  1.    One Piece Of My Life Says:

    Looks interesting.

  2.    multi level marketing Says:

    That was a great post. I will have to bookmark your website so I can look at it later.

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