Elections Are Here!

08 Sep

One of my biggest pet peeves is when people who don’t know what they’re talking about, won’t stop talking about said subject. The 2012 Presidential Election is a huge buzz right now. Every person suddenly has a huge interest in politics and seem to become experts on the subject overnight. My Twitter and Facebook news feed are beyond clogged with people’s opinions. I’m all for people expressing their opinions, but I think it’s a tad obnoxious that people can’t even use proper facts, or grammar, while complaining about something a candidate believes in. I will scroll through my timeline(s) and I can’t even focus on what people are saying because I’m too distracted by how poorly written everything is. Words spelled wrong, facts way off, missing punctuation, and just all around poor grammar is all I see. If people are going to post their beliefs and opinions all across their social media page, they can at least take the time to make well constructed sentences.

I understand that social media isn’t a place of “proper” posts. I just think that during a time where people are getting into hardcore fights about Republicans and Democrats, they should use grammar correctly on social media. If there are a bunch of people misspelling things and one person who comments with their views in a well-written fashion, I automatically think they won the fight. Anyone with good writing skills, and utilizes those skills, appears as much more well informed  than those who use vulgarity as their main points. Social media is a place of expression, and people deserve every right to express themselves freely, it just bothers me that during times of controversy and elections, people think they’re experts about the topics and won’t even spell things correctly! They’re not helping their case if they can’t spell and their posts don’t make sense.

One thought on “Elections Are Here!

  1. Kelsey Kula
    10:24 pm - 9-10-2012

    I more than agree with your opinion because I feel like my news feeds have been nothing but poorly written posts about what users think they know about politics. Facebook is a place to express emotion, personal interests, and opinions but when a person is only stating what they heard on a commercial or a talk show it crosses a line and becomes ridiculous. If someone was to post a well thought out paragraph after they looked into each candidate and had valid points, I would support them and not say a word about it being another politics post because they know what they are talking about. I tend to stay off Facebook more now until the election is over because seeing these posts make me less interested in the election because it feels more like a game. I would rather research it myself or watch the debate than read about what some seventeen-year-old girl thinks about Obama. It’s nice to see teenagers and young adults involved with what is going on in the US but they should be informed first.

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