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Unit 1 was a unit that I learned a lot from because it focused on literacy and the different types of literacies different individuals possess. The first thing from this unit that is included is my visual literacy narrative which is a PowerPoint of the different literacies I use in one day. The next project is my literacy narrative in which I told a story about 1 specific literacy that influenced my life. The revision to my literacy narrative will follow, which includes changes to my original narrative. Lastly, my reflection about my literacy narrative revision will be included on why I made changes and revised my literacy narrative.



****Literacy Narrative****




****Literacy Narrative Revison****



 Literacy Narrative Revision Reflection

My second revision was for my literacy narrative. I chose to revise this assignment because it had the lowest grade. I wanted to improve my litercay narrative because even after submitting a rough draft, I still did not do the assignment the way it should have been done. I wanted to revise my paper so that I could fix it in order to write it with my highest potential. My original narrative had a lot of comments, and I wanted to eliminate those problems that were commented on. The literacy narrative was probably the most challenging assignment for me to do because I had a hard time turning my paper into a story. This was the last reason I chose to revise my literacy narrative, because I wanted to prove to myself that I could do this assignment right and better.

 The first step I took when revising my literacy narrative, besides meeting to discuss my revision, was reviewing my narrative to take note and pay attention to what needed to be fixed. One of the major changes I made to my paper was deleting my first three paragraphs, and adding in a new paragraph. I did this because those other paragraphs were irrelevant to the rest of my paper and did not help in telling my story. I changed my introduction paragraph so that it could initially let my reader know that my paper would in fact tell a story. The other major change that took place in revising my literacy narrative was that I went back and added more detail and descriptions in order to “paint a picture” of the story I was telling, which would help my audience get a better idea of what it was that I was writing about. My revision was mainly focused on these two changes to my paper because I felt they were the important and required the most attention, especially adding detail and description. Other small things I did during my revision included looking for spelling and grammatical errors that may have been overlooked the first time. Overall, my revision process was somewhat more challenging than my first revision because I made a lot more changes, but I feel this was a challenge that I overcame.

I think these change made my literacy narrative stronger because I actually had a better understanding of what I was supposed to do, and I included the necessary criteria for the assignment, which I did not do originally. By expanding on small ideas, a big difference was made to my paper which is another reason why I believe my literacy narrative revision is stronger than the original paper. This revision opened my eyes to how important details are in any paper, and therefore, my literacy narrative was more successful once it was revised. 



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