1. Situation

Imagine you are a reporter for a little time paper and are in need of a story.  You have a tip that a local business is participating in some shady business.  As a reporter looking to report the truth you decide to turn in a resume with enhanced information.  This allows you to get first hand knowledge on what truly happens inside the business.  Turns out that you are right, the company illegally dumping their waste.  You report this story in your paper and the company reiceves negative media attention resulting from the story.  The company is suing you.

2. Legal Background

 Food Lion Inc. vs Capital Cities/ABC Inc. had a sitituation very similar to this when two reporters went undercover to expose the mishandling of food.  Food Lion sued on the basis of unfair trade practices, fraud, and breach of contract. The district court ruled in favor of Food Lion and ruled the two reporters had committed fraud by using false resumes.  The circiut court overturned that decision saying that the reporters had not committed fraud by saying the contract signed upon employment stated either party could terminate employment at anytime for any reason.  The resumes that were false were ruled to be irrelevant.

3 Questions

 Is is ethical as a reporter to gain information under false precidences?

Should the first amendment protect aquiring information after falsifying information?

Do you believe the company in the sitiuation has a legal case against you as a reporter?