We would love to have an intern/student assist us with outreach materials but it would be unpaid.

Below is a list of ideas but would be willing to hear what other options for assistance would be available as well.

·        Assist with items to promote annual 5k/walk that will take place October 5th

·        Brochure design and development for Friends of CASA (non-profit support board)

·        Develop press release that can be distributed to online and area newspapers to promote the need for CASA/GAL Volunteers

·        Assist with developing marketing items for display at community awareness events

·        Improve our use of our website and Facebook materials (we have both of these but I am especially concerned about the website as it seems to “wordy”)

·        Someone able and interested in utilizing new National campaign from the National CASA Association and to ensure compliance with their logo use and marketing use requirements. 

·        Open to other ideas

Carol J. Fox, LSW

CASA/GAL Program Director

Wood County CASA/GAL Program

1032 South Dunbridge Road

Bowling Green Ohio   43402

419-352-3554   fax 419-352-4714

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