Copy-editing internships at The Columbus Dispatch

Looking for a summer internship that offers real-world experience at a major daily newspaper? The Columbus Dispatch is accepting applications for its copy desk. Interns do exactly the same work our full-timers do: editing copy and graphics, and writing display text for A1, other section fronts and inside pages. The pace is quick and the standards are high, but the people are friendly and you’ll leave each night feeling like you accomplished something.

Because we have high expectations for our interns, the requirements — while few — are strict:

  • Experience writing headlines and editing copy at another newspaper. A previous copy-desk internship is preferred but work at a college paper is welcome, too. If the extent of your editing experience comes from classes, you’re not ready for us yet, but we’d welcome you to apply next year.
  • A working knowledge of Associated Press style.
  • A willingness to try creative headlines and join in discussions about important editing issues.

The positions: We have two paid summer internships on the copy desk, which edits local copy for news, features and sports sections.

How to apply: The deadline is Nov. 30. All applications must include a cover letter, resume, references and editing clips — explaining what changes you made in the stories is even better. Letters of reference also are welcome. Be sure to tell us what types of stories you have experience editing, especially if you have sports or features knowledge. Contact by email (please put “summer internship application” in the subject line) or snail mail:

Jenny Applegate

34 S. Third St.

Columbus, Ohio 43215

I will acknowledge receipt, so if you don’t get a response from me within three days, send again or call me at 614-358-3039.

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