Multimedia News Story Writing Contest

The International Communication Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, AEJMC, is announcing its student contest in multimedia news story writing for the year 2013-2014. The contest is open to all undergraduate students.

Dr. Sandy Rao, a professor at Texas State University, is coordinating the International Multimedia News Story Contest.

Entries must be nonfiction, journalistic stories with multimedia support on a topic related to an international issue. The news story should have an international angle on a local story or it may be an international story with a local angle. It should be a written story submitted as a class assignment and/or published on the university website or on a news media website. (Stories published between April 6, 2013 and April 5, 2014 will be considered.)

Stories will be judged based on criteria such as originality, news values, relevance of the story idea, journalistic merit and multimedia support. The story as well as the multimedia support should have been authored/executed by the same student.

The postmark deadline is April 6, 2014.

Details about the contest and entry form: AEJMC‹ICD Student Contest‹2014



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