Dow Jones Deadlines Extended

Dear JOUR students and MC grad students

Because of Hurricane Sandy the deadline for the Dow Jones copy editing test and the Dow Jones business reporting internship test have been extended a week!

The tests have to be in the mail by the 8st of November AND you have to have applied online by the 8st of November, too (this was Nov. 1 but because of Hurricane Sandy they have extended the deadline!!!!)

I am sending this out to see if there are any more brave souls who are willing to take either  test … either one takes an hour … I am available in 310 today to give the test

I gave it on Monday and I am giving it again today at 3:30 p.m. in 310 West Hall

I can find a way to give the tests again IF THERE IS INTEREST … so email me if you are interested!!!!

Since this is an expense paid, salary paid, internship, that is open to juniors, seniors and grad students — and is open even to students who are graduating in December – it is a serious chance none of you should be passing up

REALLY this is the single most prestigious internship in journalism … and most people who do it go on to report afterward…. Often at the paper where they interned!!!

You can find the online applications at:

And examples of past tests at:

Catherine Cassara, Ph.D.

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