Internship at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Some information describing some of the duties is listed below. Note the emphasis upon writing ability. Basically SIOP members are workplace psychologists so our stories are primarily directed to the business media.

Potential interns can learn more about SIOP by going to our website at We can be flexible in the work schedule and will take into consideration a person’s class-load, etc.

Duties for Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Intern:
·    Interview members and write stories for Web site features-especially stories related to our upcoming Leading Edge Consortium
·    Turn stories into press releases to be disseminated to the media and through wire services
·    Write short teasers for SIOP Research Bulletin based on conference presentations.
·    Gather information for Newsbriefs newsletter stories
·    Find current I-O related stories and post to the SIOP Exchange
·    Post events on Facebook and other social networking sites
·    Research story ideas
·    Create marketing lists for Leading Edge Consortium
·    Develop and identify media lists to use in sending stories and releases
·    Develop member lists to market LEC to
·    Maybe he/she could help us with our journal readership survey?
·    Research SIOP members’ expertise for use as sources for the media
·    Follow up on media mentions for use in Members in the News

Persons interested in applying or learning more about the position, should contact:
Clif Boutelle
SIOP Information
The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
440 East Poe Road, Suite 101
Bowling Green, OH 43402
Phone: 419-353-0032

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