Inside Washington Seminars

Inside Washington January 2-15, 2011First Week: The New Congress January 2-8, 2011
Second Week: Politics and the Media January 9-15, 2011

Explore the inner workings of the American political system with nationally recognized journalists, politicians, political analysts and scholars.

Expand your knowledge of American and international politics through onsite visits to Capitol Hill, executive agencies, think tanks, trade associations and media organizations in Washington, D.C.

Engage and network with nationally and internationally recognized public officials and business professionals. This seminar will heighten your sense of civic engagement as well as your leadership skills, expertise and professionalism.

Inside Washington is divided into two separate seminars, each lasting one week. Each seminar will explore a different but complimentary topic. Each can be attended individually or they can be combined for a two week experience. Typically, the first week focuses on Congress and the presidency and the second week explores general politics and the media. Each week is led by a separate Faculty Director.

Who Should Apply

College students in good standing at their home institutions
Recent graduates
Alumni of The Washington Center
Faculty interested in the topic
More information

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