Jilian’s English 207 Blog Another amazing bgsu blog

April 20, 2009

Portfolio Introduction

Filed under: — jilians @ 10:12 am

Welcome to my ENG 207 Portfolio!

Each of these pages has a part of the projects I completed over the course of this semester. In order of completion, these are the projects: visual narrative, literacy narrative, PSA, rhetorical analysis, resume project, and the final project. The focus of this semester was literacy and how it affects our personal and professional lives. I came to learn a great deal about my own personal literacy and created my own working definition of what literacy is. To me, literacy is a certain set of skills I have that help me to think critically. My various literacies help me every day, whether or not I realize it. These projects helped me see the various literacies I have and I was allowed to explore some of them in a more in-depth manner. Thus, under each page, you will find all of my projects with a short introduction to each project. Additionally, you will find a revision reflection under my resume page as well as a revision reflection under my literacy narrative.

Though the pages are in alphabetical order, the projects occurred in a different order. The first project was the visual narrative, and from then the projects occurred in this order: literacy narratives, public service announcement (PSA), rhetorical analysis, resume project, and the final project. While the projects may seem random, there is a great purpose. The first project established my various literacies and I also learned how important a visual aspect can be to any sort of text. After this, the literacy narrative allowed me to explore one literacy in greater depth. The PSA allowed me to learn about the many choices that go into creating a work; while some choices seem meaningless, they all work together to create a solid, effective final product. The rhetorical analysis followed the PSA and this was helpful because I was able to take what I learned about analyzing the choices and apply it to one specific work and focus on only a few choices. After this, I completed my resume, cover letter, and reflection. Here I was able to consider all of the choices when presenting a document solely about myself. After this, I completed the final project. This project was almost as though all of the other project’s lessons culminated and I could look at how one particular literacy affects my personal and professional life. In doing so, I analyzed and evaluated the choices I made when creating my literacy (in that case, a lesson plan) and honed these choices to most effectively demonstrate my literacy.

If I were to narrow down everything I learned in this class, it is that nothing is isolated. Every part works together to create the whole and in analyzing one aspect, it must always be viewed relative to the whole. This lesson will help me a great deal later in life, especially as a teacher. I can view my students’ work as a progress rather than isolated assignments that don’t reflect anything about that student.

I hope that you enjoy looking at these projects as much as I enjoyed making them. I also hope that you learn something about your own personal literacies. Enjoy!

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