Jilian’s English 207 Blog Another amazing bgsu blog

January 14, 2009


Filed under: — jilians @ 10:49 am

I am a junior at Bowling Green State University majoring in Integrated Language Arts education for Adolescents/Young Adults. My favorite hobbies are reading and writing and this hasn’t changed since I was first able to read. I primarily read fiction; I will only read nonfiction if it is about something with which I have an intense interest. I also enjoy watching football; I think I would prefer to watch football more than anything else on television. I am a Michigan fan and thus in the minority here at BGSU; consequently, I enjoy reading about Michigan: books, magazines, and blogs. I also enjoy cooking and baking, but I am a poor college student so I do not have as many resources at my disposal as I would like. I have an older brother and an older sister and the cutest dog ever. Really, I can prove this with pictures. My friends are extremely important to me, but I feel as though everyone says this. I thoroughly enjoy music (again, who doesn’t?) but I most enjoy music that tells me a story. I like anything that will tell me a story because I enjoy telling them just as much.

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