Jilian’s English 207 Blog Another amazing bgsu blog

March 27, 2009

Peer Review

Filed under: Uncategorized — jilians @ 10:40 am

I actually enjoyed this last session of peer reviewing. The feedback I received really helped me. I was unsure of whether or not I was doing the right thing for the rhetorical analysis but based on the comments I received, I realized that I was doing it correctly. The things he suggested I add to my analysis were things I hadn’t considered and so I really enjoyed reading his comments. I am definitely going to add what he suggested to my analysis, especially since I knew I wanted to add something to the parts he suggested but I didn’t know exactly what I could add. So I really did appreciate the help I received during our last peer review. 

A few things I wanted to add to my rhetorical analysis: I wanted more specific examples of what Lindsey says to Patty in my PSA, I want to add a fact about the Ad Council in the introduction to help add credibility to the original creator of my PSA, and I want to add more about the text at the end of the PSA to more effectively show how it works in conveying the message of the PSA.

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