Jilian’s English 207 Blog Another amazing bgsu blog

March 16, 2009

Spring Break

Filed under: Uncategorized — jilians @ 9:39 am

Considering that my Spring Break wasn’t much of a break, I believe I can fully attest to the importance of breaks. I had to take the Praxis this past Saturday, the 14th, at 7:30 AM. I would have appreciated it much more had the Praxis been the first Saturday of break but no, of course not, it was the last Saturday of break. I spent the entire break worrying about the test and the heavy weight it holds over my future. Those unfamiliar with the Praxis only need to know that it is the teacher content exam that, if I do not pass, I cannot teach. It cost me $150 to sign up for it and it took away my Spring Break. Is that worth it? No.

I did, however, manage to have some fun. I got a tattoo on Thursday, my first one, and that was very exciting. It added some variation to the mundane that is my life. All in all, the Praxis was not so bad, either. I finished it 45 minutes early, although I cannot decide whether this is a good sign. I spent some time hanging out with my best friend, watching seasons 1, 2, and 3 of The Office. Quality show. I spent some of the break in my apartment and some back home in Toledo. It was good to see my dog again; I cannot necessarily say the same of my family.

Either way, I think the people who administer the Praxis should think long and hard about when they are going to have the tests. I would also like to wonder why my professors decided that the few weeks after Spring Break were perfect to have a multitude of take-home exams, 25-page projects, and a whole lot of other things due. It isn’t going to be a good couple of weeks. After Spring Break, I sincerely need a vacation. But at least I can enjoy looking at my pretty tattoo. Thank goodness for silver linings.

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