Jilian’s English 207 Blog Another amazing bgsu blog

February 21, 2009

PSA Ideas

Filed under: Uncategorized — jilians @ 10:40 pm

Idea #1

1. The message is a warning about posting questionable pictures on social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, etc. 

2. The intended audience is any person entering a career in which they will be in the held in high regard in society, such as doctors or teachers. 

3. The medium is a video. 

Idea #2

1. The message would be the consequences of students’ reading scores not improving.

2. The intended audience would be those who are influential in students’ reading, such as teachers and parents. 

3. The medium would be a video.

Idea #3

1. The message would be about the prevalence of adult illiteracy, especially with women, and what could be done to change this.

2. The intended audience would be those who are illiterate or maybe those who don’t read as much.

3. The medium would be a video.

1 Comment »

  1. I think you have some really interesting ideas for your group’s PSA project. I especially like the idea about educating and rasing awareness about putting up questionable pictures on myspace, facebook, and other social networking websites. I feel its important to do this because more and more employers are beginning to use social networking websites like these as a means of recruitment and hiring, and many students are being rejected just based off of their “second lives” on these websites.

    Comment by Laura Saavedra — February 22, 2009 @ 4:58 pm

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