Jilian’s English 207 Blog Another amazing bgsu blog

April 20, 2009

Final Project

Filed under: Uncategorized — jilians @ 9:35 am

For my final project, I am re-seeing writing a lesson plan as a literacy. I think that this project will be especially beneficial for me. Lesson plans are not the easiest to write and I think that sometimes I can get dissuaded from writing them, thinking that perhaps mine are not good enough. But when I re-see a lesson plan as a literacy, I realize that it is something I can work towards and a skill I can improve. When I understand a lesson plan more fully in this manner, I see that it is something I can master after more practice.

I think that the value in this is unmeasurable. Lesson plans are going to have such an impact on my future–not only as a college student but also as a teacher–that any additional thought or practice that I put into them will be repaid to me in time. Often, teachers find that they can re-use their other lesson plans after establishing a few years of effective teaching. This means that once I master my lesson plans and create effective ones, I will have a considerable amount of work that I have already accomplished.


  1. I also found out that when I look at a lesson plan as a literacy I see it just like all of my other literacy’s. Lesson plans are something I will contiue to learn more about in my college career and beyond,thus I will keep improving upon this literacy skill.

    Comment by dancomp — April 20, 2009 @ 12:26 pm

  2. I think that a lesson plan is a really good idea for a literacy. I am using a lesson plan as well and it seems that we both have the same idea for this assignment. I think it looks like you have some really good ideas too! Good Luck 🙂

    Comment by lpate — April 22, 2009 @ 9:56 am

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