Jilian’s English 207 Blog Another amazing bgsu blog

April 15, 2009


Filed under: Uncategorized — jilians @ 9:38 am

Initially, I had thought that literacy simply meant the ability to read or write. As this class has progressed, I’ve realized that it is about much more than that. I think that literacy is the ability to do anything well. For example, saying that someone is literate technologically means that they are able to use technology in an effective manner. Coming to terms with this definition is what made some of my previous projects more difficult because I could not get past the idea that literacy meant anything more than just reading or writing well.

Now, however, I have come to see that I have many literacies beyond reading and writing. I am also able to gauge how a certain literacy affects my life. I believe that most of my literacies all work together to help me think more coherently and critically.


  1. I definitely agree that literacy simply allows us to do anything well. Literacy to me also meant being able to read and write well, but now we have realized and learned that it means much more than this. I still feel that my view on my everyday activities and stuff hasn’t really changed however just because the fact I know more about what literacy means. You do make some good points though!

    Comment by kmayorn — April 15, 2009 @ 9:42 am

  2. I totally agree! Literacy affects so many areas of our lives in different ways, and to have stong literate skills will allow us to succeed even more! Seeing how literacy involves so many differnt aspects is really important for any career course we choose to follow.

    Good job and Good luck!

    Comment by odolch — April 15, 2009 @ 9:42 am

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