Jilian’s English 207 Blog Another amazing bgsu blog

April 6, 2009

Resume and Cover Letter Issues

Filed under: Uncategorized — jilians @ 10:17 am

Having completed a resume and cover letter previously, I only had to update it to reflect the job for which I am applying. The only remaining questions I really have are: I think that the second paragraph of my cover letter may be a little too lengthy. I also was wondering if my objective in my resume sounded all right. The wording felt a little off to me, but I may be wrong.

I was also a little curious about the layout of my resume. I used this specific layout because we learned how to do this in an education class. I wasn’t sure if different fields have different resume formats. For example, I have two different experience sections: relevant experience (like my methods and student teaching) and my related experience (volunteer hours, field experience hours, etc). I wasn’t sure if that was acceptable for this assignment or not.

1 Comment »

  1. I think the two different experience sections allow the employers to see the different type of work you can do. I think because the work included in each section is pertains to possibly things completed for your major and things outside your major give the employer more to look at.

    Comment by tctoney — April 8, 2009 @ 10:17 am

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