Jilian’s English 207 Blog Another amazing bgsu blog

April 1, 2009

Strengths and Weaknesses

Filed under: Uncategorized — jilians @ 9:36 am

One of the main strengths of my essay was that I think I chose three criteria with which to analyze my essay. I was initially worried that I would not have enough to say, but after I’d settled on three things that made my PSA effective, I realized that I’d chosen good criteria. I had a lot to say and I think I said it well. I was able to work the rhetorical appeals into those criteria pretty effectively and I think I made a good argument with them.

One of my perceived weaknesses of the rhetorical analysis is that I fear I might have been a little repetitive. I’m not sure if I was,  but towards the end of my essay, I began to feel as though I had said everything already and was now just repeating it. Maybe 4 pages was too much for a 45-second PSA, although as I have taken many English classes, I’ve gotten pretty good at stretching what little material I have into a cohesive essay. I just hope that my essay didn’t seem redundant by the end.

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