Jilian’s English 207 Blog Another amazing bgsu blog

March 25, 2009

Rhetorical Analysis Writing Process

Filed under: Uncategorized — jilians @ 9:34 am

Since I finished my rough draft, and I usually only write one draft because I don’t believe in rough drafts, I don’t recall any struggles when writing my rhetorical analysis. I originally wondered whether or not I would be able think of enough things to suffice the 3-5 page mark, but once I began writing it, I realized it wouldn’t be an issue.

One question I still have is how to cite the PSA in my rhetorical analysis. I know how to do the works cited but when I sat down to write my paper, I couldn’t recall how to do it exactly and I couldn’t find the PowerPoint on the blog or in our course shell on Blackboard. So that is one question I had.

Another concern of mine is that my rhetorical analysis might seem a bit like a review. I don’t think I did this but I’m not completely familiar with a rhetorical analysis, having never written one before (or if I have, I’ve forgotten). So that is a concern I have with my rhetorical analysis.

1 Comment »

  1. Jillian,

    To do your in-text citations for your PSA (after looking at your earlier post where you included your citation) you would just use the “author” which, in your case, is the Ad Council. In other words, after quoting from the PSA or after summarizing from the PSA – i.e., putting the ideas from the PSA in your own words – your citation would look like this (Ad Council). That way your reader could see that in-text citation, turn to your works cited page and easily figure out the source of the quote or summary.

    As for the review question, this is a common concern. You will be summarizing the PSA some, and you are reflecting on it like you might in a review, but remember that you’re thinking about the choices made in making the review and how those choices make it ultimately effective (or ineffective).

    I hope this helped. If you have further questions or want to run some ideas by me I would strongly recommend you email me.

    Comment by Brittany — March 25, 2009 @ 1:17 pm

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