Jilian’s English 207 Blog Another amazing bgsu blog

March 23, 2009

Rhetorical Analysis Grading Criteria

Filed under: Uncategorized — jilians @ 9:38 am

For grading a rhetorical analysis, I think multiple things should be taken into consideration. First, I think that the basics of writing ought to constitute at least a part of the grade: spelling, mechanics, usage, proper grammar, etc. At this point in our college careers, we shouldn’t have any errors in that.

Second, I think that the list of what ought to be in a rhetorical analysis should be considered as well. By that I mean that the original work is named, an original author is given credit, the criteria for evaluating the original text is in the introductory paragraph, the following paragraphs contain specific evidence from the original text, etc.

Third, I think that the person’s ability to effectively write the rhetorical analysis ought to be considered as well. Here I mean that one ought to question whether or not the person wrote an effective essay. Did it make sense? Did it follow a logical order of an essay? Was this person able to make a point and support it well?

Using these three cornerstones with supporting criteria, I think this is what ought to constitute our grade for the rhetorical analysis.

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