Jilian’s English 207 Blog Another amazing bgsu blog

March 6, 2009


Filed under: Uncategorized — jilians @ 10:38 am

Being in the College of Education and Human Development, I know a great deal about portfolios. Knowing what we know about assessments, future teachers and professors know that portfolios can be an effective way of assessing a student based on his or her past performance and comparing it with his or her present performance. I did not prefer the portfolio in ENG 112; I did not feel as though it could accurately capture my writing and my skills. Within the College of Education, however, I think it’s interesting to see my education knowledge and philosophy changing throughout the years during which I am enrolled.

The college participates in ePortfolio, an online portfolio that houses our documents and key assessments while we go through the college. I believe this is preparing us for the portfolios we must assemble throughout methods and student teaching. These types of portfolios, ones which we take with us to job interviews, are very helpful. They house most of our work, samples of our students’ work, our resumes, our background checks, recommendation letters, and a variety of other documents that prove what an effective teacher we will be. Thus, I have a great degree of familiarity with portfolios. I think they can be very effective assessment tools, when used properly.

1 Comment »

  1. I didn’t know that any programs required students to use eportfolios on campus. Do you all use your Epsilen portfolios or another program? (typically my questions in posts aren’t necessarily to get a response but more thoughts but I am really going to try to remember to ask you this when we return because I’d be really interested to hear about this).

    Comment by bcottri — March 8, 2009 @ 12:20 pm

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