Jilian’s English 207 Blog Another amazing bgsu blog

March 2, 2009

PSA Experience

Filed under: Uncategorized — jilians @ 10:35 am

Thus far, I’m very happy with my group work. Previously, when I was in a group, the workload was unbalanced. But with my group, we are all focused and willing to work together. I’m happy with the effort everyone has put in and it really seems as though we work as a group well. Our PSA is already filmed and we don’t know if we’ll even need to edit. We had fun filming it and yet we still got it done. When everyone was pleased with the final product, we agreed that we were done filming. Everyone participated in the filming in some way and the only thing left to accomplish is the audience analysis. 

What has surprised me the most is that despite the cheap camera, the PSA seems like a real PSA. If we had the equipment and the time to make it look professional, I think that our PSA could really be an official PSA. I think that they would even show it on PBS. After seeing our almost-final product, I’m happy with the message we agreed to use. I think that it is a good message for most young professionals but it is especially important for future teachers. Seeing the PSA in film made me realize that I am happy with our message and it was the right one for us to choose.

1 Comment »

  1. It seems like your group did work very well together to get this project done since you guys are almost done with it. I know what you mean with other groups how it seems like people do not work fairly but I think this class has everyone balance to do an equal amount of work from everyone. I am looking forward to seeing your PSA, it seems you are very confident with it which is very good.

    Comment by snye — March 4, 2009 @ 10:40 am

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